Changes to the period of residence or the type of unit before move-in and after the issuance of the “Notification of Permission for Residence” can be made only once, and the request must be made by submitting “Application to Change Arrangements for Residence” (Word/PDF) by 17:00 on the day which falls 10 business days* prior to the planned move-in date. (The 10 business days are calculated by counting backward from the non-holiday weekday immediately prior to the move-in date. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are not included in the count.)
*However, in case visa issuance is delayed, we will accept a request to change the period of residence only once if the application is submitted by 17:00 on the day which falls 3 days prior to the planned move-in date.(Please note that requests to change the type of unit must be made by 17:00 on the day which falls 10 business days prior to the planned move-in date.)
Note1: Changes will be approved depending on unit availability and required preparation, etc. When the change involves an earlier move-in date than initially planned, the application must be submitted by 17:00 on the day which falls 10 business days* prior to the new move-in date.
Note2: Changes are limited to the type of unit (such as changing from a single unit to a family unit as the resident plans to live with other family members).
Note3: Regardless of when the request to change the move-in date is submitted, if the new move-in date is more than a month from the original date, the reservation will be canceled. To re-reserve a unit, please refer to the “Cancellation and Re-reservation” page.
IH’s accommodation of re-reservation requests is contingent on availability.
modified:January 8, 2025