The 80th Anniversary Hall Housing of Institute of Science Tokyo (the “Housing”) was established for the purpose of providing a place of residence in Japan for international researchers (researchers affiliated with Institute of Science Tokyo (the “Institute”) and other universities) and to promote international exchanges in education and research.
The 80th Anniversary Hall is a two-story building constructed with reinforced concrete, standing in the north area on Ookayama campus.
The Housing is located on the second floor with 2 single rooms (studio type, 18㎡ per room) and an executive suite (two bedrooms, 117㎡).
There is a separate entrance only for residents.

Please kindly note that towels, toiletries (soap, shampoo, etc.) and detergents are not provided.
Duvets, bed pads, pillows and bed linens (sheets, duvet covers and pillow covers) are provided based on the number of family members.
The room next to Single 2 is under the Work-Life Balance Support Unit, Diversity and Inclusion Section. It is designated as a temporary childcare space. Members of Science Tokyo community may reserve the room on an individual basis for use by their child and babysitter.
For inquiries or information, please contact the Work-Life Balance Support Unit by email at
modified:October 7, 2024