Guide for International Researchers | Tokyo Tech


All residents of Japan, including non-Japanese residents staying for 3 months or longer will be issued a 12-digit Individual Number (also referred to as “My Number”). The Individual Number will be required for administrative procedures related to social security, taxation, and disaster response. Your Individual Number will serve for your lifetime. As it is private information, keep it safe and be cautious about whom you share it with.

Notification Card

A Notification Card containing your Individual Number, along with those of any co-residing family members, will be sent to you by your municipal office. It will be sent via registered post and require that a resident be home to sign for the delivery. Please be aware that you will not receive your Notification Card if you have not registered your address with your municipal office. If you recently moved and have not yet notified your municipal office, please do so as soon as possible.

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Individual Number Card

Attached to your Notification Card will be an application form which you can use to apply for an ID card called an Individual Number Card. You are not required to apply for it. However, it can be useful as an official ID and for receiving services offered by your local government. The Individual Number Card is issued free of charge.


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After applying for an Individual Number Card, you will receive a postcard notifying you that your Individual Number Card is ready. In most cases, you will need to visit your municipal office in person to receive your Individual Number Card, as they will have to confirm your identity. You will also be required to return your Notification Card.

How Your Individual Number Will Be Used

Individual Numbers will be used only for legally stipulated purposes, such as filing of income tax returns and other tax procedures, national pension, medical and unemployment insurance, public assistance, and welfare benefits. Depending on your employment status, you may also be required to report your Individual Number to Tokyo Tech.


If you end your residence in Japan, you may be required to perform procedures at your municipal office, such as returning your Indvidual Number Card. Contact your municipal office for details. (see Before Leaving Japan)


For questions to Tokyo Tech regarding the Individual Number, contact:


Further Information

Social Security and Tax Number System (As of October 1, 2021)


Individual Number Card


Individual Number and its uses


My Number Call Center
Phone: 0120-0178-26 (toll-free)
Languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 20:00
Weekends and national holidays, 9:30 to 17:30 (Excluding December 29 to January 3)

Last updated August 8, 2023